MSEW Title I Meeting & Parent Teacher Conferences 9/8

The school year is well underway at Memphis School of Excellence Winchester! We're excited to host our annual Title I Meeting and Parent Teacher Conferences. You may reserve your meeting time by signing up directly through that teacher's appointment page. To find a list of teachers as well as their SignUp Genius appointment page, please click here. You may meet with your student's teacher either in-person at MSEW or through Google Meets.
The Title I Meeting will run Wednesday, Sept. 8th, 2021 from 4:00-4:30 pm. Conferences will be held beginning at 4:30 pm and will end at 7:00pm. If you cannot attend the Title I Meeting on 9/8, another meeting will be helding 9/9 at 9:00am!
We cannot wait to see you there!