State Testing Begins This Week!

Message from Principal:
As the end of the year approaches, so does testing season! State End of Course (EOC) Testing begins on Tuesday April 19th and ends on May 6th. This is an important time for your student as they show off all they have learned this past year. We know the last two years of online and hybrid learning have been difficult for many families and students. This testing season is a celebration of our first full year back in the school building. While the transition back into full-time in-person learning had many ups and downs, our EOC tests provide an opportunity for all MSE Eagles to shine. Please see the attached flyers for more information about testing as well as an opportunity to come in and meet with staff regarding testing. In order to help our students do their best, they'll need a little support. Help us help them by making sure of the following:
1. Have them bring their laptops and chargers EVERY day of testing.
2. Make sure they are at school on time BEFORE 1st period (7:45 am) EVERY day.
3. Provide a nutritious breakfast or bring them early enough to eat breakfast here in the cafe at MSE.
4. Help them get a full night's sleep before each test.